Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A Good Friendship (Character Analysis)

Stanley and Hector or should we call them by nicknames Caveman and Zero?:) They are two boys who are sent to the Camp Green Lake. As I have mentioned before, Stanley is the main character of the book and I like him the most. But I should say that Zero is also quite interesting. So I decided to make a character analysis about him instead of writing about Stanley.
       Hector is younger than Stanley with darker skin and curly hair. He is an illiterate and also doesn’t like to talk much. He usually doesn’t answer any of the questions of others. That’s why everybody in the camp thinks that he is stupid. Mr. Pedanski, who is responsible for the digging kids of the camp, explains his behavior by these words: “Because there’s nothing inside his head.” His relationship with Stanley is however different. Stanley teaches him how to read and write. As they begin to share more during these lessons, their relationship becomes better and deeper. Stanley then understands that Hector in fact is not stupid at all, but he only refuses to answer stupid questions. Hector is known to be the best digger in the camp. He is so fast that he can even find extra time to dig for his friend Stanley in return for his teaching. I can say that he is a devoted friend with a really good heart. As he feels the absence of his mother as an abandoned, he wants to be loved and cared. Thus his connection with Stanley as a friend in a way provides him trust and makes him feel not lonely.

*271 words


  1. I totally agree with you, but if I'm not wrong it should have been around 800 words shorter.

  2. The friendship between Stanley and Zero was also for me one of the main themes of the book and it was a pretty good analysis. So I enjoyed reading your blog post :)

  3. Yeah that's right. The friendship between them is pretty good. They are just like brothers.
