Monday, January 30, 2012

New Book! First Impressions :)

First 7 chapters are finished...It is much more enjoyable to read when compared with standard books that are given from school to be analyzed.  I must say that I also found it more suitable for our age considering the general theme (when compaired with Big Mouth and Ugly GirlJ). I like the characters, especially Stanley (ofcourse!:)-aren’t main characters always the most favorites?).  I’ll write about him later in detail, now I want to give some general information about the book itself. The book is about a group of guilty children who are sent to a camp as a punishment.  The first interesting thing about the camp is its name! It is called “Camp Green Lake”, one can imagine a perfect view of nature but reality is completely different. There is no lake and not a bit of green at all. Just the name…Children are also believed to become better people with improved characters by digging holes every day under the hot sun in that camp. Stanley is one of those kids but the fact is that he is not guilty of anything. His only guilt is to be at the wrong place at the wrong time. There is said to be a family curse regarding this. We will see that all as the book moves along.    

*215 words.

Check the official movie trailer out!

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