Sunday, February 5, 2012

Unknown Words (Analysis)

perseverance (p. 12, l.11):
   my guess:                 ambition
   dictionary meaning: continued effort and determination

eternity (p.30 l.11):
   my guess:                 endlessness
   dictionary meaning: time which never ends or which has no limits

doomed (p.30 l.11):
   my guess:                  to be cursed
   dictionary meaning: certain to suffer
                                 likely to have an unfortunate and inescapable outcome

ointment (p.89 l.8):
     my guess:                  something like medicine
   dictionary meaning: a thick oily substance, usually containing medicine, which is put on the skin where it is sore or where there is an injury, in order to cure it

unbearable (p.103 l.3):
   my guess:              awfully

   dictionary meaning: too painful or unpleasant for you to continue to experience

mirage (p.121 l.18):
   my guess:                 dream
   dictionary meaning: an image, produced by very hot air, of something which seems to be far away but does not really exist

resemble (p.134 l.23):
   my guess:                    to look like
   dictionary meaning: look like or be similar to another person or thing

(to) flake away (p.159 l.47):
   my guess:                  -
   dictionary meaning: fall off in small pieces

 outraged (p.172 l.11):
   my guess:                   shocked
   dictionary meaning: (especially of an unfair action or statement) to cause someone to feel very angry

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