Sunday, February 5, 2012


Whole book is finished! Not disappointed at all. Stanley and Zero both ran away from the camp, Stanley’s family curse is broken. Everything is solved happily. It is also interesting that in the end we learn the real reason of Stanley’s being sent to the camp. We knew that he was not guilty from the beginning, but we did not know how he got to end up in that camp. Now we learned that Stanley is in there just because of Zero. I find Zero’s telling the whole story of Stanley’s taking part in his own crime is very honest of Zero.
Rain at the deserted camp area is another fine happening at the end of the book. I think rain at the desert also symbolizes the problems’ solving for Stanley, Zero and the other kids of the camp. :) 

  Crazy Warden with toxic nail polish, Kate&Sam’s story and Sam’s onion’s miracle, the adventures of Caveman and Zero  on “God’s thumb”... I found all of them really intersting and I think the connection between these diffent events/stories is very successful  .
 As I have said before, “HOLES” is much more enjoyable to read when compared with other obligatory books :)

*199 words


  1. A happy ending like in traditional türkish films,right? But the fiction of "Holes" is more professional.Three stories are connected in a book!I also finished the book and liked it.As you wrote we could suggest some following topics from the beginning but it doesn't matter for me...
    By the way,you are too sweat on your profile picture:D:D

  2. I agree to you especially with that rain at the end also symbolizes the happy end, solved problems; nice job:D
